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Our Top Picks for Smites Best Playable Heroes

Smite started out as just another MOBA trying to compete with LoL and DOTA 2. Two giants of the industry that seemed unstoppable. Many people wrote off Smite and thought it would be dead within a year. But many years on and Smite is still one of the most popular MOBAs on the market. The metagame is in a very healthy place, new heroes are released constantly and the active modding community makes sure we have access to the latest working cheats for Smite. In fact, it seems the Smite community is more active than the DOTA 2 community, which is a huge step.

So today we are ranking our top picks for the best playable heroes in Smite. This ranking is based on our opinions and experiences, as opposed to the current Metagame.


Our first pick is the elemental wizard himself. Merlin. A ranged damage dealer, Merlin is great for fans of a more offensive playstyle. As with most ranged mages, Merlin is an excellent damage dealer allowing him a lot of lane control. He works great solo, or pairs well with a tank or melees DPS. And to top it off he has a great skin selection, including the Avatar from the popular Nickelodeon show.


The turtle king of Smite and strong enough that he could give Bowser a run for his money. Kuzenbo is one of our favorite tanks in the game. He has excellent defensive stats and health. And to top it all off, he can even silence enemies. He is also one of the more mobile tanks, able to dash around the battlefield. So if you are a fan of strength mixed with speed, this is the God for you.


The famous Egyptian God Set is one of the most brutal and popular Gods in Smite. Difficult to master but powerful once you have mastered him. Set is a melee assassin who specializes in one-on-one combat situations. His abilities render him immune to damage while stacking debuffs on his foes which eventually leads to high burst damage. He is played best when he moves from lane-to-lane ganking for the team. But he can equally be effective as a bottom-lane damage dealer when paired with good support.

Jeng Wei

Jeng Wei is a ranged DPS that I absolutely adore! She can deal a lot of damage but her main usage is speed and disabling enemy Gods. Her ultimate allows her to literally fly across the battlefield letting her back into the fight straight away. Or it can be used to set up an effective ambush. Not to mention her baseline damage skills are excellent to boot. If you’re a fan of a more traditional ranged DPS, then Jeng Wei is the one for you.


The God of wine! We love this God simply because of how jolly and drunk he is. Most of his abilities are focused on this fact as well. And he isn’t just a good laugh either. He is a powerful God too. His abilities deal a fair amount of damage, but their main draw is their ability to put some solid debuffs on your opponents. Slowing and intoxicating them. In team fights, this can be the difference between victory and defeat. If you ever come up against a Bacchus, just make sure you run when he spills his wine. Because that is when trouble is brewing!

Gaming Frenzy: The 9 Best Games Ever Created

Gaming Frenzy: The 9 Best Games Ever Created

Within the gaming world there is a lot of debate about which games are the best. While this argument is often quite subjective, there are a select few games that are so good that no one can deny their claim to the title of one of the best games ever created. But what exactly are those games? Stick with us as we walk you through the 9 best games the human race has ever produced!

Dark Souls

There is no doubt about what the greatest game ever made is. Back in 2021 the world put it to the vote as part of the Golden Joystick ‘Greatest Game Of All Time’ award. And the winning game was Dark Souls.

Beating out huge competition in the form of Minecraft, Mario, and Halo. Dark Souls is the ultimate RPG. Featuring intense combat, a complex hidden story, and an intricate multiplayer system that was completely unique during its release.


Ranking second after Dark Souls, Minecraft is officially the best selling video game of all time. It is popular amongst gamers of all ages and has become so influential that schools now use it as part of their curriculum.

Minecraft still features a thriving online community. It has spawned a huge number of interesting game modes such as Bed Wars and Skyblock. And if you take a look at a full list of Minecraft Skyblock servers on any server website you will see the player base is still incredibly active.

World Of Warcraft

In the world of gaming, MMORPGS are often seen as the more extreme genre. They require a lot of dedication to become proficient in. And WoW, or World Of Warcraft, is the father of the genre. It might not be the first, but it was definitely the one that gave the genre some real staying power.

WoW is still going strong to this day, with a new expansion set to release soon. It still has millions of daily players and has been making regular updates to its classic servers, bringing back a huge wave of older players.

Warcraft 3

Before Warcraft was synonymous with the MMORPG genre it was famous for pioneering the Real Time Strategy genre. And Warcraft 3 is the epitome of this journey. It was truly a masterpiece of its time. It took everything people loved about the genre and took it into the modern era with its unique 3D engine.

Fallout: New Vegas

The Fallout series is one of the most beloved on the planet. And we will admit that some of the latest entries into the series have been a big rough. But New Vegas is the ultimate Fallout game in our eyes.

Created by the original team behind the Fallout series, the game is a love letter to fans. It is engaging, deep, complex, and offers a lot of choice and freedom when it comes to how you approach the game. The only downside to it is that you may need to modify it quite a bit to ensure it works properly.

Baldur’s Gate 3

It might seem odd to see such a new title on this list. But Bauldur’s Gate 3 has truly taken the world by storm. There is no doubt in our minds that it will one day rival Dark Souls for the title of the greatest game of all time.

The DnD inspired game is a whirlwind adventure that gives players the freedom to live out their fantasies and feel like a true hero. Or, if they so desire it, a monstrous villain. Whatever you want to become, Bauldur’s Gate 3 allows you to do it.


The Hitman we are talking about is the rebooted series that first released in 2016. A full re-launch of the popular series, this game spawned two successful sequels. But the three games are so similar we have bundled them into one for the purpose of this list.

The new Hitman games offer a compelling sandbox experience. Players can truly feel like a master assassin as they orchestrate complex killings without leaving a trace of evidence behind. It isn’t difficult to see why IoI studios was selected to create the next great James Bond game.

Dawn Of War

The world of Warhammer 40k is an expansive one. The hobby is not all that easy to get into if you don’t have a lot of disposable income and time on your hands. Which is why the popular RTS ‘Dawn Of War’ has made it onto the list.

The game broke 40k down into a format that anyone could enjoy. It was the launching point for many people to step into the hobby. It allowed gamers to fully immerse themselves into the 40k universe. As a game it was complex enough to keep fans of the genre coming back for more. But it also put a lot of emphasis on ensuring the world of 40k was done right. With so many factions to choose from, Dawn Of War is and always will be a gaming classic.

League Of Legends

The MOBA has easily become one of the most popular on the planet. And that is all thanks to League Of Legends. The game single handedly took esports into the public eye and made people finally accept gaming as a serious sport.

There have been hundreds of games trying to copy the LoL format, and all of them have failed while LoL thrives. Riot games has done so well because of LoL that they have even produced a TV show set in the game universe.